There are a lot of important things to think about before painting over a moldy bathroom ceiling. These things need to be done before the ceiling can be repainted. Understanding what caused the mold and how to get rid of it are two of the issues. Preparing the surface to accept paint is another. If the mold isn’t taken care of properly, it will keep coming back.
People think mold is made up of small, round spores that live in the air and are called fungi. It comes in a lot of different colors, like orange, green, and even black mold. All of these can cause allergies or even shortness of breath. People usually notice some mold on the ceiling before it spreads, and they should try to get rid of it quickly once it is found. Once mold grows, it can spread, making it more difficult to get rid of.
How a Mold Problem Develops
When a place is damp or wet, mold is more likely to grow. Mold can also grow in places where there isn’t enough air flow. Bathrooms are a good place for mold to grow because they get a lot of humidity, which is the main reason for it. There is a lot of moisture in the air in a bathroom because there are showers, sinks, and bathtubs. This means that mold can grow on the ceiling. Once the bathroom mold is found, it’s important to figure out what caused it and fix it before painting over it. In the event that this isn’t done, the problem will not be solved. Mold can grow right through new paint.
All mold problems are caused by moisture, so start by looking at different scenarios to figure out what’s going on. A leak could be to blame if the bathroom is under the roof. How do you know? If it rains, does the area drip? If so, the leak can be fixed so the water doesn’t get on the ceiling. Plumbers could also have a problem with their pipes, so be on the lookout for dripping when water is running through the house. This means that if there doesn’t seem to be a drip in the area, it’s most likely because there’s too much humidity in the area.
Many times, just the humidity from showers is enough to give mold a place to grow in your home. Make sure there is a vent fan in the bathroom, if there isn’t already. An exhaust fan may be in the room. If it’s there, make sure that it’s ducting to the outside and that it’s strong enough to ventilate the room. In some cases, it can be changed out for a better one. Average-sized bathrooms between 50 and 100 square feet need at least 1 cubic feet of air per minute per square foot of floor space to stay dry, according to the Home Ventilating Institute.
Basic DIY Mold Removal
It’s important to get rid of as much mold as possible before painting. As long as the mold doesn’t cover a lot of space, this can be done on your own. It isn’t very hard to kill mold. Usually, a mold remediation expert doesn’t need to come in if the moldy area is less than 3 by 3 feet. Respirator, gloves, and eye protection are all things that should be worn. You should also wear old clothes that can be thrown away after you’re done with them. Also, people who are allergic to mold may want to have someone else clean.
Fill a spray bottle with water and bleach. Spray this mixture on the moldy part of the ceiling and let it dry for a while. Use a cloth or a scrub brush to wipe away as much mold as possible. When there is still a lot of mold left, this may need to be done again. People should open their doors and windows to let fresh air in. Bleach has a strong smell, so make sure to do this.
There is another substance that can be used to fight mold. Borax is one of them. Then scrub the ceiling until it is clean. Make sure to be thorough because it isn’t likely that you will kill all of the mold spores. Make sure that the ceiling is completely dry before you start painting it, no matter how you do it!
Priming and Painting the Bathroom Ceiling
Before you can start painting, there are some things you need to do to get rid of the mold and dry the ceiling. Most of the time, a moldy ceiling means that there is a stained area that needs to be covered up properly before paint can be used. Use a primer to fix this so the paint will match the rest of the ceiling.
Check the ceiling again to make sure the primer has dried completely. There may need to be another coat to make sure everything looks good. Even though it might be tempting to try to touch up just one spot with paint, the best way to make sure the whole ceiling is painted is to do it all over again. Keep in mind that some paints work better on bathroom ceilings than others.
When mold starts growing on the ceiling, it’s a good idea to think about what kind of paint will be used to paint over it. Flat paints let more moisture through than eggshell paints, and satin or semigloss paints are even better at keeping moisture out of the paint. Because of this, the glossier the paint is, the more difficult it is to get it to look good. For the best results, try to think about how much moisture resistance the paint has and how skilled the person who is painting the ceiling is when making a choice. Eggshell or satin is a good middle-ground paint that will help keep moisture out and go on quickly.
Preventing Future Mold Buildup
The best way to keep a bathroom ceiling free of mold is to try to keep the room as dry as possible. The best way to do that is to make sure the vent fan is being used correctly. When someone is taking a shower, the bathroom vents should be turned on. They should stay on for about 15 to 20 minutes after the shower is over. This will take a lot of the moisture out of the air, rather than letting it stay there. Both dehumidifiers and air conditioners can help manage moisture in the home, as well.
Other small steps can help keep the bathroom more dry. It’s easy to clean glass shower doors and tile with a soft towel. After taking a shower, you should leave the bathroom door open. This will also help. The less water there is in the room, the less likely mold and mildew will get a foothold.