
How to Clean Sticky Glue Off of a Shower Wall


People use glue to stick things to a lot of different things. Stickers, decals, tape, and labels have a sticky glue on one side that helps them stick to things. This glue helps them stick. Adhesive, or glue, sometimes leaves behind a sticky residue on the surface where the item was stuck. After you remove the decal, tape, or label, this glue will still have a tacky or sticky feel to it. Many home remedies can help you get the glue off of the shower wall.

Petroleum Jelly Method

Step 1

Apply petroleum jelly right on top of the glue residue.

Step 2

Allow the petroleum jelly to sit on the shower for about an hour. This will help it dry.

Step 3

Take a towel and soak it in hot water. Pour some petroleum jelly into the sticky glue and spread it around with a hot, wet cloth.

Step 4

Cloth: Fold the cloth and wipe the jelly and glue off of your bathroom shower. Repeat this until all the glue is gone.

Vinegar and Baking Soda Method

Step 1

Soak paper towels in white vinegar that hasn’t been mixed.

Step 2

To make the paper towels stick to the shower, press the towel against the glue and move it around. Leave the paper towels on the glue spot for a few hours, then remove them and throw them away. Vinegar should be reapplied as soon as the towels become dry.

Step 3

With cool water, wet down a sponge. Sprinkle baking soda over the sponge.

Step 4

Remove the paper towels and use a sponge to clean the area where the paper towels were. Continue to rub until the glue comes off.

Water-Displacing Spray Method

Step 1

Apply a water-displacing spray to the glue. For a while, let her sit on the shower.

Step 2

Rinse a damp cloth and wipe the area. Apply water-displacing spray again and keep going until the glue comes off of the shower.

Step 3

With cool water, wash the area.

Cream of Tartar and Hydrogen Peroxide Method

Step 1

Pour 2 tsp. of hydrogen peroxide into a small container and shake it. Then add 4 to 6 tsp of cream of tartar to the mix. Then mix them together until they form a paste.

Step 2

Apply the paste to the glue right on top of the paste.

Step 3

Cover the paste with plastic wrap, and tape the edges to the shower wall to keep them in place. It should be left for an hour. Remove the plastic wrap from around your food and drink.

Step 4

It’s better to soak a piece of cloth or sponge in cool water. Then, with the cloth, rub the paste until the glue comes off the shower wall.

Step 5

Rinse the wall of the shower.

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