
How to Make Your Own Insect Glue Traps


People don’t want bugs in their homes. Bugs are everywhere. Insects can be annoying, or they can be dangerous. Insect glue traps can keep them from getting into your home.

Making Traps for Flying Insects

Step 1

Corn syrup mix and water should be mixed in a pan. Bring it to a boil. This will make a sticky paste that doesn’t dry out.

Step 2

It could be orange, yellow, or even pink construction paper. You should pick something that isn’t too dark or dark too light. Most bugs are drawn to colors that are very bright.

Step 3

A paintbrush can be used to spread the paste on the paper and make it look nice. One hole should be made in the top of the paper, if flies are what you want to draw in.

Step 4

Make a knot with the end of a piece of string and put it through the left hole. Make sure you don’t tie it too tight, or you’ll tear the paper. Tie the other end of the string to the right side. Glue the paper that has the glue on it to something in the places where you are having the most trouble.

Making Traps for Crawling Insects

Step 1

Re-do Steps 1 and 2 from Section 1 to make the paste and choose a paper, then do Step 3.

Step 2

Cut the paper into 1-inch-wide strips that are about 1 foot long.

Step 3

Brush the paste onto the top side of the strips and lay them paste side up in front of the doorway or on the window frame or wherever else the insects are entering the house.

Step 4

Weigh the paper down with something, or glue the strips together. Weight both ends and the middle of the strips if the paper is longer than three feet to ensure that it stays in place.

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