If you want to get glue off of a prized baseball card or old picture, you’ll need to be patient and steady. There are two main types of glue stains: blobs of glue that can be heated up and dried, flaky glue. The way you remove the glue depends on what kind of glue you have.
Clumpy Glue
Step 1
Steam from a kettle or pan can be used to make the glue soft (place on a wire rack above a steam pan, taking care not to burn yourself on the steam). White glue can be softened by putting a few drops of isopropyl alcohol on it with a cotton swab.
Step 2
This will help the item become even more soft. You can put it in a sealed container and leave it there overnight next to a cup or dish of rubbing alcohol (70 percent isopropyl alcohol and 30 percent water). This means that the cup or dish must fit inside the jar.
Step 3
Peel the glue off with a craft knife or a pair of sharp scissors. The goal is to get the glue off of the paper.
Dried, Flaky Glue
Step 1
If there is any extra scrapbook paper or anything else the card was glued to, cut it away with the craft knife until only the glue is visible.
Step 2
Remove a few pieces of glue with your craft knife, being careful not to scrape the paper. Small pieces at a time:
Step 3
Repeat Step 2 until all of the glue has been removed,